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Vinyasa Flow

Interested in a private yoga session but not sure where to start?  Take a look at the type of Vinyasa classes we offer below!  Request one of the following sessions or just use them as a framework!  We curate each session to fit YOUR needs! 

All of our classes stem from a Vinyasa style practice.  Vinyasa classes are considered "flow" classes as we link each and every posture or asana.  We customize the speed, difficulty, and focus of each session for YOU!

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Whether you're new to yoga or want to relearn the basics, practice the tools needed to lead a safe and strong practice, while also remaining mindful in every act you perform. Here, we practice the three A's: Awareness, Alignment, Asana.

Image by Zoltan Tasi


Love the flow, but need a fast pace? Challenge your body and mind with this physical vinyasa class.  Embark on a journey of mental exploration and dynamic movement in these sculpting flows catered towards athletes and those looking to break a sweat!

Image by Kseniia Shikhova


Whether you're just beginning your yogic journey, or you've been practicing for years, experience a safe place to experiment with a variety of depth. Practice control and precision with a diversity of exercises and modifications to suit a wide range of levels. 

Image by Ivars Utināns


Destress and relax with this gentle class dedicated to reducing tension and inducing a better night's sleep.  Set your intention.  Move purposefully. Quiet the mind.  Melt into the earth.

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